Twining with the Kids, The Latest Fashion Trend
The most common thing that celebrity parents and us average parents have in common is the love of twining with our babies. It’s hard to say who started it, but we can easily say that it’s the celebrities who made the trend so popular that it's been going strong for years.
Word to the wise, if you have a couple of kids, and it’s expensive you get new and branded clothes every time you want to twin, try getting them online from used kids clothes UAE. There is no shame in getting Secondhand kids clothing, the recent trend about saving the earth is all over the internet, all of the celebrities are doing it, why shouldn’t you?
What are the rules to twining? What should you do and what shouldn’t you do? Should you twin if your baby is the opposite gender? If you are confused about all these questions, we are here to help you twin with your kid in the most stylish way.
You Don't Have to Go All Nine Yards
It's not easy to dress-up exactly the same, top to bottom. That’s pretty unrealistic. Even attempting that would be a huge expense if you have more than one kid. So, try and match one piece of clothing. Make sure it’s the most dominant piece, or else it won’t be noticeable. Suppose if you are wearing a white dress or a white blouse, dress your kids in a white tee, or a white frock. You can also match the shoes by getting almost the same sneakers. We all have white dresses, blouse or shirts, kids must have a white shirt, romper or a frock. All you have to do it find the same shoes.
Find the Easiest Outfits
It’s hard to match a jumpsuit or a specific item, but if you generalize it, the twining will become a piece of cake. Jeans, striped tee shirt and white shoes. Most basic items that every mother and child have. Stores online sell the same dresses in mother-daughter sizes; you can either get that or buy pre loved clothing for Women. Getting used clothes will help you with budgeting. You can have the same dress made for your kid. You can flaunt your twining clothes at a party or even at your kid’s party.
Twining is the best way to create a special bond with your kid. The pictures you take while twining will become great memories. Don’t pass this chance to act like a celebrity with your kid.